New Zealand Landscape Photographer

In all my adventures, this moment is probably one of the most present I have ever felt...and the most alive!

Since arriving at Aoraki / Mount Cook 3 years ago during the day, I knew that I had to get back here under a starry filled sky. 
On this night I could not have asked for more perfect conditions...a snowy winter wonderland up the Hooker Valley, a light breeze with crystal clear skies and the milky way soaring overhead.

I arrived to the lake amazed to see it near completely frozen over... there was only one thing I needed to do that night....

Like a calling, a moment of pure wanderlust or destiny and every other adjective to describe this, I set my camera up and ventured out cautiously over the creaking frozen mass. Crawling the last 20m to this spot was an adrenaline rush to say the least...possibly even rather foolish seeing as I was alone.

Sometimes though you just have to do those things which scare you and create a memory that imprints on your mind for years to come. I love the motto of the S.A.S. - "Who dares wins". I am certainly no soldier, though I do feel being up all night in sub zero temperatures is a battle in it's own right....anyway I digress....

Long story short, I got the shot and made it back to shore safely to carry on shooting the most epic skies all night long!