

New Zealand Landscape Photographer

Morena Auckland!

Last night they said on the radio airwaves that the fog was coming and they were not wrong!

Battling stupid rush hour traffic, which totally grinds my gears (pun intended), was all worthwhile for once this morning!

There is just something pretty cool about a big city and the fog rolling around all the highrise buildings

Have a great day everyone!

Please click to enlarge any of these photos larger! 

THE 3000!

New Zealand Landscape Photographer

I have just ticked over 3000 followers [on my Facebook Page] and I want to say a massive thanks for all the kind words and support over the last wee while!
From not being able to even look at a camera a couple of years ago due to gear theft and the insurance drama that followed, I am pretty proud and stoked to be where I am now.

As a freelance cameraman, predominantly working in film and tv, I am excited to be exploring this creative side of myself and the crazy journey involved in capturing some moments in nature.

It is certainly not easy and most photographers can attest to the reality that the time and hours spent shooting and editing, learning the craft, can be lonely and tiring but the rewards are often worth the struggle and effort.

So thanks once again for all the support, I appreciate every like and comment and share...these little things go a long way to aid inspiration and make the big things more achievable!


New Zealand Landscape Photographer

Auckland doing it's best impression to be a floating city in the sky.

On the way back from another all night astro mission with Focused West Photography we could not let this amazing sight pass us by, already halfway over the harbour bridge, within a stones throw from home and completely shattered, we decided to do the motorway loop and get some shots while driving back over!

This was snapped halfway back across with the 50mm just before the sun came above the horizon...Never seen this city looking like this as the fog was literally just rolling over the bridge and into the city.


New Zealand Landscape Photographer

I have been in Auckland for 10 years and this is the first time I have ever see these form of clouds here. They usually occur around severe thunderstorms and with all the crazy weather we have had lately it's no surprise!

With no time to get anywhere to grab a solid composition I shot this from my deck and just as well, as they disappeared within 10 minutes!


New Zealand Landscape Photographer

The 99.1% full moon rising above Auckland City after sunset tonight.

With arguably the best day all winter so far it was good to end a busy day with a relaxing moon shoot. No wind to speak of, clear skies, glassy water all made for a serene moonrise.

This is the first time in months the weather has been so still and clear for a chance to shoot this.